Cessna Flight above Riga

Cessna flight above Riga
Cessna flight above Riga
Cessna flight above Riga
Cessna Flight above Riga

Flight on a private airplane is not comparable with anything else - you will discover Riga from the birds heigh as never before.

A small Cessna 172 has four seats - three for passengers and one for a pilot. During the whole flight you will be able to see the pilot work. The aircraft flies at a relatively slow speed (about 200 km/h) and the pilot will be able to show you the controls of the aircraft and explain how to fly and manouver a small light airplane.

  • 30 min - 200 Euro, 60 min - 390 Euro

The most used routes:
  • Day flight above Riga (from 20 minutes)
  • Night flight above Riga (recommended for couples and photographs)
  • Roundtrip air-excursion to the most popular Latvian destinations - Rundale or Sigulda (1 hour each)
  • Roundtrip air-excursion to Estonian island - Saaremaa (6 hours incl. free time on the island)

Please contact us info@grandbaltics.com to book Cessna Flight above Riga.